Monday, January 18, 2016

What I Like About Belly Dance

Belly dance relaxes your muscles
After a day of sitting at a desk I tend to feel a little stiff and sometimes I even ache. If I attempt to relieve my stiffness by massaging my shoulders it does nearly no good. If, instead, I do belly dance I find that the movement is like a massage from the inside, and the stiffness from all over is healed. Sometimes the muscles even feel ultra relaxed, like I have just had an expensive 1 hour massage.
If my body is aching because of exercise I did yesterday, belly dance also heals that soreness. Usually, I will want to stretch in order to get rid of the soreness, but belly dance works so much better. The gentle movements of belly dance warm the muscles so that they become more limber without any stretching.

You don’t need a lot of space
Unlike the other forms of dance that I enjoy, like hip hop, where you need a large open room in order to execute the moves to their fullest, belly dancing is done more or less stationary. So no need to find a space outside, or to push the furniture out of the living room just start the music or the video and you’re doing it.

Not too much memory work
Belly dance is a very free form of dance. It looks good without the need for choreography, you can just move as you like. When following a work-out video the moves are repeated enough that you do not need to remember what is coming next and you can follow along with ease. This is a contrast to hip hop where you don’t get the satisfactory feeling of doing the steps correctly until you have put in practice.

You can do it when you are tired
If it is right before bed, but you are feeling aches and pains you can still do a belly dance work-out without over stimulating yourself to the point where it is difficult to fall asleep. Also, if you are in a lazy sort of a mood belly dance will not demand that you bounce around a bunch, or make you sweaty and out of breath. It is an exercise that lifts your mood but at a relaxed pace.

The music
You can belly dance to any music you like, really. But the typical belly dance music style is dynamic and romantic and, best of all, doesn’t get stuck in your head.

There are many more reasons to like belly dance, but these are the stand out reasons for me.


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